Friday, June 29, 2007
Still UNpacking...
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Darkness, Darkness...

Driving home from work on my newfound route...I go up a very large hill and when I reach the top and start down the other side, all I see ahead is the lake. It's a stunning view! Another great photo opporunity is awaiting me there, methinks.
I was walking around my house yesterday, thinking about what else I need to many boxes to unpack (not many up here, but down in the basement...ohhhhh, I don't even want to think about that!)...and I decided that I absolutely LOVE my living room. I believe it is the room that most shows who I am. It's all about me, with my collections that are there...collies, angels, labs...favorite photos (of the dogs and grandkids) and favorite things abound. Thanks to Kim (again) for helping me.
My next favorite room is my sunroom, though it is far from how I want it to be. TV, my music, my easy COMFORT is all there. That is the room where I spend the most time. It's about 12 x 12 feet, with windows and patio door on three sides and the other side is the entry (probably about 8 feet wide) into the dining room. Though this house is huge, the dogs all lay around my big easy chair and ottoman when I am relaxing there.
OMG, I am in LOVE!!! I normally don't watch much tv...and really not much daytime tv at all. WELL, I turned on the Oprah show the other day and Nate Berkus was on. If you watch Oprah or get her magazine, you are already aware of who he is (and probably all ga-ga over him as am I). Oprah calls him 'cutie pie'...I think he is absolutely adorable! Here's a photo of him...

If I had lots of money to spend, he'd be here personally to decorate my house, that is for dang sure! Okay, enough of that! haha!
Here's Tag...patiently waiting for me to quit typing and play ball with him...

Monday, June 25, 2007
What to do with...
The first one shown is a log cabin quilt and measures about 70 x 78 inches...each block being approximately 8 1/2 inches square. The seams are machine-stitched. Not sure what type of fabrics were used, but most of them are 'shiny'. This quilt has some definite worn spots, where the fabric is thin and tearing a bit.

Here's the looks like each block is lined with a fabric before it is sewn to the surrounding blocks...get a good look at those (now) vintage fabrics that were used for that!

Here's the second quilt, which measures about 76 x 94 inches. It has a few holes in it...mice, I'd guess. I think it's mostly hand-stitched, using the decorative feather stitch in matching threads. Each block is about 18 inches square. This is a real mixture of fabrics. I like this one the best.

Here's the can see the hand stitching on the lining and on the seam allowances.

I welcome any and all suggestions you may have about what to do with these quilt tops.
Before I forget (again), thank you all for reading my blog...and for the comments you make!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Still UNpacking...
Here's how the pears are looking now!

My main task this past week was to find the shortest/quickest route to and from work. It was quite an adventure, as I don't know my way around out here at all (and didn't use a map)...but, as long as I knew I was heading in the right direction, I was okay. I found a great route and it only takes about half an hour, which I think is not too bad. It's a lovely drive, too...very stables, pastures, cows...tractors and other machinery, fields of corn (will it be knee-high by the 4th of July?)...take a deep whiff of's country living, for sure! I truly LOVE living out here.
I don't think I shared this photo before. This is the antique table I received from Kim as a housewarming is soooo gorgeous! The crocheted doily was made by Gram Kelley (though Mom says she made it)...and it is perfect for this table!
I'm anxious to get done with unpacking and setting feeling the urge to dye wool!
Have a great day!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Still UNpacking...

Here are photos of the basement where I will set up my rug hooking business. Not sure how long the basement is, but the house is about 1450 square feet, so it's a lot of basement...even just using 1/2 of it! There will be no painting of walls or floor done at this time...maybe next's more important to get everything set up. That huge table came with the house...ha! It's HUGE and way too big to get up the steps! Lucky me! I can always use more table space! I have LOTS of boxes to unpack, wire cubes to put together and wool to fold/organize. YIKES! What a mess it is right now! I'm hoping to work on it a bit this weekend.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Lord's Prayer

Saturday, June 16, 2007

I didn't get pictures of everyone, but here are a few of my guests.

Ray, Mom (smile!) and Great Aunt Florence...

Friday, June 15, 2007
Still UNpacking...
No new photos of the house today. Am sure I will have some to share after this weekend. I'm having an OPEN HOUSE tomorrow so my friends and family can see the house.
HEY, but here's a photo someone shared on the Led Zeppelin email's Robert Plant with Strider, his blue merle collie boy that he had way back when. I once saw a video of Robert and his family walking through a field with Strider all grown up...would have been late 60's or very early 70's...Strider was a beautiful dog. (NOOOO, that's not why I have collies...didn't know ole Percy had ever had one until a few years ago.) "Bron-Y-Aur Stomp" is a song all about Strider. You'd know it if you heard it. There's a verse that I always thought was 'there's no companion like a blue-eyed girl''s actually 'there's no companion like a blue-eyed merle'...guess I never paid attention to the part that Robert sings 'you're the finest dog I ever knew'. HA!
Have a great day!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Getting UNpacked...

The office is a mess, but that'll get all sorted out next week. Kim told me to NOT go downstairs...I guess she thinks I'll freak out when I see how much stuff I need to organize for my rug hooking (personal AND business). But, I kinda have an idea...cuz I did pack it all it'll be cool. NOT! I just want to get the living areas all sorted out and stuff on the wall, etc. I am having an OPEN HOUSE on Saturday, so lots to do yet before then. I organized my cd's tonight...LOTS of them. I counted the boxes left to unpack and put away, and (not counting the office or basement), there's only 5. So, that's doable! It's all coming together...YAY!
The dogs are loving it out here. Soooo much more room for all of us. Course, when I sit in my easy chair, they're all laying around it close by me, anyway! Silly pups.
I'll be sharing more photos. Tomorrow, I go back and clean my apartment...ugh.
Monday, June 11, 2007
ALL Moved...YAY!!
Sunday was moving day and things went smoothly, though one is never quite as ready as one thinks...and now I am here at my place in the country! Ohhhhh, I am loving it! I have a wee bit of experience of being in the country (friends and family)...but I gotta tell you, LIVING out here is going to be the best! AND, today I got my SSI (satellite speed internet) hooked up. Life is great!
Here's how the field of green (gold) looked earlier today.

Already tonight, they're baling...HUGE square bales of hay! I'll have to get out there and take a photo tomorrow.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
In Progress...

I am reallllly looking forward to organizing all my rug hooking (business and personal) woolens, patterns, etc. at the new house. I have 1/2 of the entire basement to spread out in...can you imagine having all that space? Wall to wall wool (well, maybe not at first...ha)!!! Believe me, I am sure that eventually I'll be using all of that space up, though! Why crowd things if one has room to spread, hey? I'll take photos as I go along. ohyeah, I also need to get going on a top 10 priority list of projects.
I started with punch needle this past winter and find it fascinating (and soooo quick!). I completed punching a few pieces, but haven't done any finishing work on them. Looking forward to rediscovering what I have...I'll probably be surprised.
It's a beautiful and sunny Sunday morning...
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Packing and MOVING!...still!
The flowers are blooming. I have no idea what these are, but they sure are pretty.

I know this is a peony...they are so beautiful. I have 4 huge peony bushes...LOVE them!
Here's the beginning of a pear...

Here's my field of green...

I feel so calm and peaceful at my new house...cannot wait to finally be there!
Here he is back in 1996.

Tango is the leader of this pack. The other dogs respect him...he is alpha without so much as a whisper. Here's a photo of him now, at 12 years of age...his colors have faded and his hearing is going, but he still is always ready for whatever I ask of him.
He is my calm.

Allegra earned her HIC (herding instinct certification) when she was just one year's a photo. She thought those sheepies were just too much fun!
Allegra is very much a talker...and you best be listening when she has something to say! Here is a beautiful photo of her, taken last year when she was 8 years of age...
She is my joy.
Friday, June 1, 2007

In January, Cruiser was diagnosed with glomerulonephritis, a fancy medical term for kidney failure. He had been having problems for about a year, but without extensive and expensive testing, we could never put our finger on what exactly was wrong with him. When he was diagnosed with glomerulonephritis, that answered a few questions, but didn't explain all that had been going on with him. In the end, it doesn't really matter...he is gone. I euthanized him on February 28.
He was my love.