Saturday, September 20, 2014

Some More Random Thoughts On a Saturday Afternoon...

I have more.  Thoughts, especially random.  It may become a permanent feature on this blog.  Perhaps.  It is nice to put those thoughts onto paper...well, I guess this isn't paper...rather, then...put them into type and share with you.  At least a little. 

So, here we go...

Random thought #1:
I like this time of year.  Fall.  I love that everything goes back on schedule.  Somehow, just the fact that school has started gives a sense of order to everything around me.  I enjoy the warm days and cool nights.  I love the color changes...fall colors really are what comprises my color palette.  What I don't like about it, though, is that the cold comes all too soon.  And, I really hate the cold...the snow.  Someday, I will no longer need to put up with it.

Random thought #2:
Every year at this time, I think of a book I read long ago.  It's called, "The Fall of Freddie the Leaf" by Leo Buscalgia...have you read it?  It's the story of Freddie the Leaf, who learns that death is a part of life.  A quote from the book, 'Every moment spent in unhappiness is a moment of happiness lost.'  True that. 

Random thought #3:
I have a fairly large vocabulary and I like to use big words.  Well, not necessarily big words, but I like to put into use words that not everyone and their brother uses.  Common enough words, just not in everyone's everyday language.  My favorite word EVER is perspicacity.      

Random thought #4:
When it comes to your own animals, being a vet tech has no meaning.  Emotions take over and everything else goes out the window. 

Random thought #5:
I will always have a dog.  I cannot imagine life without one.  

Random thought #6:
My life is different than I imagined it to be.  That's not saying it's worse...or, that it's better.  It's just different.

And, here is my final random thought for today.  
Random thought #7:
Be thankful
from Pinterest 
Have a great weekend!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". Jeremiah 29:11


Farm Girl said...

I for one, love your random thoughts and if you wanted to always have Saturdays Random Thought Days from Jacque, I would say, yay for that. You have some very profound thoughts here. I loved that quote and it is going in my quote book.
I am sorry about Tag. I am sorry he isn't feeling well. I do hope he gets better.
I was thinking these same thoughts today, I will always have a dog. I can't imagine life without a dog.
You don't like snow? Since I have never lived in snow, I can't imagine not liking it. I don't think I would be big fan of driving in it.
I too like when school starts for just the reason you said. It brings order.
I am so glad you wrote. I enjoyed it very much and learned even more about you. I am so thankful for you. Sending a hug your way. Prayers for Tag.

Anonymous said...

The previous post was very nice! I too loved the quote. Thanks for writing thame random thoughts today. Joyce. Your favorite big sister!

moosecraft said...

These are some great thoughts! And I especially love the last one... it's is very important for people to be thankful for what they have.... it seems alot of people these days walk around with a "sense of entitlement" in a way that they always feel they "deserve more"... and that is what makes people lose perspective on what life really is... of course... the silly part of me always says "Life is full of good and bad... so when good is here... party your buns off!!!!" :-) Hugs to ya'!

Rugs and Pugs said...

Great post!
I feel the same way about fall and winter. I wasn't meant to be an Ohio girl in winter.
Hugs :)

WoolenSails said...

Wonderful and true to a lot of us.
