Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What's Up! Wednesday...

What's Up is this...I wanted to post a few random photos I took in the last few days.  Don't be getting all excited, though...they're not that much of anything!   ~grin~

Tag lays in the strangest places sometimes!

Sister Jill sent me a glass tray thingie to put my stuff on...
14" Pillow...first one finished!

Backed with a premium muslin...

LOVE this pillow cover!!
Mr. Warthog already needed surgery.  He is MUCH loved!
He no longer has tusks, so I needed to sew up the holes.
New loungewear...not my usual colors (and they don't quite match each other)!
Did I tell you I got one of these for my birthday?  LOVE it!!!

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". Jeremiah 29:11


Lindy said...

looks like you had a good birthday!

kks said...

ha! love the pics! had a busy week filling in for everyone…:)
and even I don't like this weather…

kks said...

ha! love the pics! had a busy week filling in for everyone…:)
and even I don't like this weather…

moosecraft said...

Looks to me like Tag is just trying to keep his butt warm... lol! Smoothies are a good thing... enjoy!

Farm Girl said...

Seeing you with your silver bullet, made me get out mine to start having smoothies again. I didn't know how much I missed them. Every thing looks very nice.