Monday, December 31, 2018

Shaking My Head...

Here it is, the last day of this year...and I am still wondering where September went!!!  Oh dear me.  Time certainly never stands still.

So.  This post contains a lot of may wish to sit back and relax with a cup of coffee/hot chocolate. 

First of all, me Mum is holding her own. We are very happy with the care she receives at the nursing home.  She still recognizes us and sometimes still gives 'the look', but it is difficult to converse with her for any length of time.  She is often living in a world all her own.  But, she seems content...doesn't throw things or shout out in anger, she doesn't fight the assistance she receives from the nursing staff, she eats well and is getting good sleep.  She is 88 years old.  I miss her so much...she is here, yet she is not.  I still often half wait for her evening phone call.  But, it doesn't come.  So much has changed since her stroke in May.  The hip fracture (with surgery/anesthesia) did not help at all.  She is not aware of the passing of time, yet it is very important to me that one of us visits her every day.    

Christmas Eve 2018
As for the Stitch kitty.  He is now 8 months old and growing fast!  I had a bit of a problem with him biting...more than just the normal kitty 'I wanna nibble on you' biting.  I reached out to a cat behaviorist (no, not Jackson Galaxy) and worked hard at doing what was recommended.  It definitely worked, as Stitch is more mellow and not so reactive.  Carole (cat behaviorist) did tell me that he would calm down as he got older, and he has.  whew.  I mean, there were so many sweet moments but then he would bite me...unprovoked.  Not nibbles, either.  Bites that hurt, though he never broke the skin.  Anyway.  We keep a pretty strict schedule with plenty of playtime.  I also started clicker training, which is fun!  A few of my dogs were clicker trained and I am surprised at how well he is responding!!  He is very smart, but he is a cat, so I wasn't sure how it would go.  

Here are a few photos...

Loves to watch me brush my teeth and wash my face.

He still does this...throws his front legs up over his head.

Not one to dress my animals in clothes, but for a free nail trim?
Heck, yeah!  I made the chef's hat and red scarf for him.  

He loves to snuggle.

I now have magnetic catches on all of my cupboard doors!!!

There.  That should be enough Stitch photos to satisfy you!  He amuses me greatly!

As far as my sewing and other crafting goes, I have not done too much in these last few months.  And, though I made some Christmas gifts, I neglected to take photos of them!  duh.

But, here is what I have done (and photographed) since September...

Cloth napkins.

Quilt top for sister Julie.

2 X 4 quilt I was working on in my last post.
Finally putting these blocks together that I made last year...
the City Sampler Modern Quilt Blocks.

I am still working on the Vintage Postcard stitchery I showed in my last (?) post.  And, I am working on a counted cross stitch that is looking like this...

I guess that is pretty much it.  I have a bad cold, so won't be doing anything exciting to welcome in the new year.  Not that I normally do, anyway.  Just so ya know.

Wishing a Happy and Healthy New Year to you all!  

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". Jeremiah 29:11

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