I am so blessed to have the friends I have! And, the family!
I'm expecting a package in the mail...something I ordered. When I got home from work today, there was a package waiting for me. Too big to be my order...and too soon to be here. hmmmm. OH! It's from Jane of Ohio! I wonder...
Well. Oh. My. Gosh. (and actually, that's all I kept saying as I dug into the box.)
I know Jane from Wool Snippets...a rug hooking forum we both belong to. We started talking on the phone...she made that Amish-type doll for my Kaylynn...and made a gorgeous pillow for me Mum. I send her a lot of my leftover wool strips and small pieces of wool and linen, cuz she makes little hooked mats (4x6 and the like). She is so wonderful...and I am sooo pleased with everything she sent! Totally unexpected, which somehow, makes it seem even better, hey?
Okay, here is the photo..

3 quilt books, 3 templates, 18 different fabrics...a few small, but mostly larger pieces, & the Rainbow Bridge poster to frame. Thank you so very much, Jane! I am blessed to know you.
And, in the mail, I also received a sympathy card from my sister, Joyce. Thank you so much, dear sister!
Still working on my mess...and you know how things get messier as you work along? YIKES! ~sigh~ it'll be better once I'm done. And, I am forbidding myself from working on any project until I get this all organized. ohdear...ha!