Sunday, May 17, 2009

Kaylynn went to sleep on the sofa last night...Tag was laying at her feet. I took advantage of the quiet and sewed on the apron I'm making (it's all done, now!) and an hour later when I walked past the living room, this is what I saw.
Now, I do know that Tag didn't push her off the sofa, but he certainly did take advantage of her pillow being available!
For Kaylynn's 4th birthday - May 4th - I wanted to give her something special. I had a necklace that I thought would be the perfect gift!! Years ago (1984, perhaps), I was given an add-a-pearl necklace. Know what that is? Just what it sounds can add pearls to it. So, the one I received had 4 pearls, and it was going to be added to each year until it matched the number of years we were married. Well. Then, I was no longer married and the necklace lost all special meaning to me. It has been sitting in its box in my jewelry chest for all these years. (Holy Schmoly...25 years!) Anyway. I thought that it would be the perfect gift for Kaylynn...4 years old...4 pearls. I may or may not add to it. will always be special because of when it was given to her. I explained to her mother the significance of it...she will be the holder of it until Kaylynn is much older. Here's Kaylynn with the necklace...cannot see the pearls very well, but it's the best photo I got.
It has been an extremely special weekend!


Lindy said...

I remember those!!! She is cute as a button! Love the shot with Tag on the sofa and Kaylynn.

dexmangoldens said...

Tag looks very comfy up there in Kaylynn's place!
The apron looks very nice. I had forgotten all about that necklace! I think giving it to her was a great gesture. She'll appreciate when she truly understands. Glad you had a great weekend.

JoJo said...

Jacque, I'm glad you've had such a wonderful weekend with Kaylynn. The necklace you're passing on to her sounds beautiful and I'm sure that, when she's older, she'll love having this gift from you.

Lovin' the picture of Tag, Kaylynn and Allegra all sleeping. My grandson loves to sleep on the floor too, although he's 14 now and taller than I am. Funny how Tag took over her pillow. Cute!