Monday, March 29, 2010
This is the official music video for the song, "Born Again". The song is from their new album ("Born Again") due out June 8. This video was shot just outside Tijuana, Mexico, on the 'Homes for Baja' mission trip sponsored by the Newsboys. Go here to learn more about the project.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Successful Surgery...
warning: If you're squeamish about needles, you might want to avoid this post.
I will not be responsible for fainting readers.
However, it's not a real live animal being stitched's a stuffed warthog.
All set for surgery...where's the patient?

Looks like the patient is all prepped and ready for surgery...
Stitching him up...
Anxious Papa...
It's going well...
Still anxious...
The last stitch has been sewn...
Good as new & he'll never miss that tusk (not living in the wild, you know)...
Hey!!! I told you that the warthog needed to rest for a few hours!!!
April is my month for the Bee Addicted 3 block swap. Here's how it works...there are 12 of us in the swap...each one has a specific month. When it's time for your month, you send out fabric and notes on what type of blocks you'd like everyone to make. So far, we've had circles on squares, wonky quarter log cabins, improv blocks (twice) and wonky houses. I am going for something traditional. I'll be sending enough fabric for the 11 gals to make 2 blocks Shoo Fly and one Monkey Wrench block. The piecing together of this quilt will be quite far from traditional, though. Just wait...I think you'll love'll be awesome. Promise.
Here is the fabric...I showed these last fall when I purchased them from the prim quilt shop that I love, JJ Stitches. ( can look...and I'm thinkin' you'll be smiling.)

Here are the packets all ready to send out. Need to write out notes and they'll be ready to go.

It's a fun group to belong to...9 of us live in the U.S., 1 is in Australia, 1 is in England, and 1 is in Canada. Belonging to a swap is giving me experience making different kinds of blocks and I'm having a great time with them! Can't wait to see the quilts made from all the blocks we've been putting together!
There's not much sewing going on around here these days. My house is in complete chaos...there is more painting to be done. By the landlords.
My son will be coming this week to pick up several pieces of furniture from me...things I no longer need. I'm trying to declutter/simplify in preparation for my move. Once he's got those pieces out of here, I'll be able to move things around a bit and get everything back together.
I have "The Bone Collector" movie here. I saw the movie years ago when it first came out - and read the book - but I just felt the need to see Denzel again. I want to sit in my big easy chair with my feet up on the ottoman and eat popcorn while I enjoy watching Denzel. I really hope to do this later today.
Have a good Sunday!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Comments & Answers
As all of you regular readers know, I try hard to respond to the comments/questions you leave for me.
If you have left comments and not ever received a reply from me, most likely it is because you are a no-reply comment(er). Please check the profile settings on your blog. Sign in, go to your dashboard, then go to edit profile and make sure the 'show email' box is checked. That's all it takes!
If you have left a comment that hasn't been answered (because I am so far behind, I have no hope of getting caught up!) and you'd really like an answer, please click HERE and ask me what it is you would like to know. I will answer you.
Good Night.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Surgery is NEEDED!!!
ohhhhh, poor warthog...
he is in bad shape!
He lost a tusk yesterday.
Was attacked by something big and brown!
Looks like surgery is desperately needed!
Here is how Tag's warthog
looked on the day he got him...
27 months ago.
He's been through the war, wouldn't you say?
Cannot hear,
doesn't see too well,
his tusks are pretty much useless
(only has one, now, anyway!).
A very much-loved toy.
Must get him fixed up
so Tag E. Butt can have him back.
Anyone know of a good warthog surgeon?
Thank you all so much for your
supportive comments & kind words
re: my temper! post.
I'm better now.
AND, last night, I decided to take my
new medication right after supper...
instead of as prescribed (at bedtime).
This morning I awoke with a clear head.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I've got quite a few things on my mind right now.
Too many to concentrate on any single one, really.
I didn't have such a terrific day.
Oh, it wasn't really that bad.
Mostly, I am trying to adjust to the fogginess
I am feeling from a new medication I've started
for the chronic pain in my knee.
for the chronic pain in my knee.
And, I overslept this morning, so got to work an hour late.
Hate to start the day already behind.
Then I came home to find paint flecks
(ya know, from painting the ceiling with a roller?)
over half of my table.
The table where the thread canister
and quilting gloves
and quilting gloves
and sewing machines
and other things are.
Yup, that's right.
Little bitty paint flecks on my quilting gloves,
sewing machine cords,
wrapping paper,
thread canister,
plastic serger cover,
& my seam ripper.
wrapping paper,
thread canister,
plastic serger cover,
& my seam ripper.
Fortunately, I had covered my machines with towels.
Even more fortunate is the fact
that it was water-based paint
and cleaned up rather easily.
Even more fortunate is the fact
that it was water-based paint
and cleaned up rather easily.
Okay...back it up, Jacq.
Remember, the house is for sale.
So, my landlords have been painting.
Today, the ceiling in the sunroom,
which is where I sew, was painted.
I was told drop cloths would be used,
but I have a difficult time understanding where the paint
flecks came from if everything was covered up.
flecks came from if everything was covered up.
I actually thought of taking photos before I cleaned it up.
But, I didn't.
When I called to ask my landlord about it,
he said he had used a drop cloth and that
there were no paint flecks anywhere.
When I told him that they were everywhere on that table
and that I had just spent 1/2 hour wiping the paint up,
he said that he 'begged to differ'.
So, I was wiping up figments of my imagination?
I was so upset, I just hung up on him.
I really hate it when I lose my cool.
Which, by the way, I do often.
Lose my cool.
Usually, though,
I am able to settle down enough to carry on
a reasonable discussion with the person involved.
Not today!
Temper, temper!
The living room ceiling is next to be painted.
In the midst of my temper, temper,
I moved everything
(except for the big, heavy stuff)
into the dining room.
I am NOT going to chance getting
paint flecks on anything else!
paint flecks on anything else!
I am not happy. At all.
I think I shall go to bed so that I can
wake up in a fog again tomorrow morning.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Winter's Last Hurrah...
I hope.
I didn't get much done today.
Sewed a bunch last night during
the Friday Night Sew-in...
150 blocks sewn.
Started laying out the blocks this morning...
didn't like what I was seeing.
So, I changed things up a bit
and laid some blocks out.
Not sure what I think.
Ran out of time.
Leaving everything where it is.
Things will look better
(or, at least different)
Hope you're getting something done!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Friday Night Sew-in...
It's tonight! I am psyched...have my evening all planned out. Eat, feed Tag, put jams on, get good music on, start sewing!
I am going to start piecing Paul's quilt...I am so excited! I was going to wait until I had a few more things done. Like the 3 quilt tops that are waiting to be basted and quilted and finished. However, I am short on batting, so they'll have to wait until I get over to Hobby Lobby. In the meantime, I can start on this! {grin}
Just as a is the pile of fabric pieces all cut out and ready to go.
Charmed Whirlygigs...
Here's the smaller of the two charmed whirlygigs I made. This one is completely finished. I love to use my walking foot, so on this one, I quilted straight lines...1/4 inch away from each straight seam, then did some straight-line stitching on the 2 inch border. On the wide border, I sewed lines, not measuring...just going by eye...along each border...which made little squares in each of the 4 corners. I am very happy with how this turned out. And, I am totally in love with the creamy buttery color I used on the backing! It's a Kona solid, though I cannot remember the name...will definitely get more of this. This little quilt measures about 37 inches square.
The larger one, measuring about 54 x 60 (something like that) before washing...the top is done, but I need to sandwich it with the backing and batting and then quilt it. Will probably just do some free-motion meandering on that one.
Don't you think these would be so dang cute as a lap quilt set...for mother and child??
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Back On Board...Keyboard, that is!
Got my keyboard.
Thank you, son Paul!
Finished those 2 quilts.
Only going to show one...
want better (read daylight)
photos of the other one.
Here's the first, ~39 inches square.
This is for Sawyer, a coworker's 2 week old nephew.
Will be given to Sally tomorrow,
so this is the only chance I have to show you.

It's the little things in life...ya know?
Who would have thought I'd be so affected
by not having a keyboard!?!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Still Here...
& still without a keyboard.
This point & click on-screen keyboard is making me crazy!
[yes, better than nothing at all]
Here are 2 smallish quilts
I've been working on.
I need to finish hand sewing the binding...
and then wash/dry to get them
all crinkly and soft.
More about these [and other stuff]
when I get a keyboard & can actually type!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
DQS8 & goodies received!
Please excuse me for not writing much...
my keyboard went kaput...
am using on-screen keyboard.
Pain in the you-know-what!
I received my doll quilt
[& extra goodies!] today!
I am ecstatic!

doll quilt,
Thursday, March 11, 2010
What's Goin' On...
I've got some projects going on.
4 major ones...a few minor ones.
I think.
Could be wrong.
In any case...
I got the backing together for last year's BOM.
This quilt will be going to Janer.
Not sure if you all knew that or not.
That corner there, with the red blocks...
that's a signature square.
On the back.

I started putting my Charmed Whirlygig top together.
Bit by bit, it'll get done.
Borders to add once the rows are together.
Backing is a large floral...gonna be very exciting!
I have all of the blocks cut out for Paul & Rachel's quilt.
I am very anxious to get started,
but really need to finish those other things first.
And, I got the backing all sewn together for the quilt top Kelley sent me.
With the backing fabric she sent me.
More than enough.
Will use the rest of these 3 for a scrappy binding.
I also have a large rug hooking order that I've been working on.
Almost done.
So, that's what I've been up to.
How about you?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
A Package for Me...
A quilt top measuring ~60 x 78 inches
that she made a long time ago.
She decided I should have it.
I am speechless.
that she made a long time ago.
She decided I should have it.
I am speechless.
All I can say is, 'oh. my. gosh.'
over and over and over again.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Please read on...
She also sent fabrics for backing...

This is all hand-pieced!
Absolutely beautiful workmanship...

And, I can say this...
'It is gorgeous.
Thank you, Kelley.
I am so blessed.'
Thank you, Kelley.
I am so blessed.'
quilt top
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Quilt Received!
Julie's quilt arrived at her mailbox in Durango last I can finally show it in all its glory here! I think it ended up to be about 76 inches square after washing.
She called me while she was opening it...and cried. I liked that. When giving gifts to my goal is to make them cry. {grin}
She also received the kitty blankets I made way last fall...see them here...2 pillowcases (one is shown on the photo above) and a matching kleenex cozy. She was very happy, which made me very happy.
She called me while she was opening it...and cried. I liked that. When giving gifts to my goal is to make them cry. {grin}
She also received the kitty blankets I made way last fall...see them here...2 pillowcases (one is shown on the photo above) and a matching kleenex cozy. She was very happy, which made me very happy.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Bee Addicted 3 Block Swap blocks.
Managed to put these together yesterday between the hockey game (it was a great game!) and the closing ceremony.
February was Bren's month...she wanted improv blocks and sent the most delish reds with a few of the au.then.tic fabrics plus a wonderful chocolate brown. Here's what I put together...hope she likes them.
Found out yesterday that this house
is being put on the market.
It looks like explore,
my 'one little word 2010',
might have more significance
than I thought when I chose it.
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