Friday, April 8, 2011

The Last Chance...

This is the last night...the last chance for Tag and I to be completely alone.  The brown dog and I are snuggling in the big easy chair...watching "The Next Three Days" with Russell Crowe.  A very quiet and relaxing evening. 

Julie, et al., will be here late tomorrow.  I'm excited.  Tag has no idea how much things will change, though I keep telling him all about what's coming soon to our house. 

By the way, Tag is completely back to normal.  Bringing his food bowl, pestering me at feeding time, looking for crumbs from my plate (not that I give him any, but he is ever hopeful!), carrying his toys & wanting to play...and all the other stuff he does on a regular basis.  I am very relieved. 

I have the next 4 days off.  Julie and I will be working hard getting everything sorted out and moved around and put away.  

I'm sure I'll have at least one good Tag story to tell you about very soon.

In the meantime, have a great weekend!


WoolenSails said...

I hope you have a wonderful time with your sister and I am glad Tag is feeling better.


Joanne said...

So happy Tag is back to normal! What a great night cuddling and a movie! I'm sure you and Tag will adjust very quickly to your new normal! Happy moving day!

moosecraft said...

Good to know that Tag is back to being normal! He's a great buddy! Here's to hoping the move in goes without a hitch! :-)

Alice ~ Folk Art Primitives said...

It's good that your doggie is up to par ~ he's gonna need it when that new kitty comes to call!! Have fun with your sister!

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

I'm very glad that Tag is back to his old self. My Gus sends his regards! Have a great move-in day and I look forward to some fun stories as the pets get to know each other!