Yup, I do. I'll show you what I mean.
I ran across a link to the Yahoo! Widget Gallery...omg...what fun!!! Here's a photo of my computer screen (desktop). See over on the far right side...those are the widgets. They are always there, and I can open or hide each widget. In this photo, the widgets are hidden...the strip is always there on the desktop.

Here's a photo of all of the widgets (what a great word!) I currently have...they're all in the 'open' position. Now you can see what they're all about. On each of the widgets, one is able to set preferences...color, size, etc.

Here's a list of the widgets I have right now...
CLOCK...an analog one that is much larger than my little digital clock in the bottom corner of my screen. I set it to chime every 15 minutes, which helps me keep track of how much time is passing by...you know how it is when you're on the computer.
CALENDAR...if the widget is hidden, just today's date shows. Open, you see the entire month. I usually know what date it is, but it's always nice to have that right there.
MP3 PLAYER...my entire music library is loaded on that and it's just a bit easier to use than my other audio players. Besides, it's cute.
WEATHER...when the widget is hidden, just the temperature shows...as well as what the weather is doing (sunny, raining, cloudy, etc.). When open, it shows the 5 day forecast...which is nice to be able to take a quick peek if I want.
YAHOO! MAIL...shows how many unopened emails I have. That way, I don't have to keep checking.
YAHOO! EMAIL ADDRESSES...I don't really need this, but it's there if I want to look up an address that is not yet in my Wildblue.net email address book.
PICTURE FRAME...I loaded a folder with 'my favorite photos' and they show in the frame...a continuous photoshow. I have it set so that the picture frame is always on top...so I can always see my favorite photos as they rotate through.
SUDOKU...hahahaha!!! I loaded this widget today. I set it to give me a new 'very easy' sudoku puzzle each day...now that I've mastered that level, I thought this would be a great exercise for me each day. It's really fun...bitty numbers to keep track of the possibilities for each square, and different colors to choose from so that you are able to tell which numbers you've entered. What fun is that!!!
Can you see now what I mean...I LOVE things!!! I haven't explored the entire widgets gallery, but it seems almost everything imaginable is available...a metronome, countdown to Halloween, a dashboard dancing hula girl, football schedules, etc. Take a peek if you, too, LOVE THINGS!