Wow, I finally have some time to do this while my satellite speed internet is being cooperative. Finally.
I last wrote on Thursday night, when I made a quilt block for Julie.
The next day, Friday, Julie & I went to the vet school (where I work & where she used to work) so that she could visit with some friends.
We did a few errands and then came home to get
ready for the other two sisters.
Julie wanted some photos
taken with the pups.
Here's Tag, sitting nice & straight for her
(her hand - holding a stick - is just outside the shot).
I think she's whispering sweet nothings to Allegra.
Joyce & Jill finally arrived! YAY!!!
We had pizza for supper and then sat & gabbed.
(l to r: Julie, Jill, Joyce)
Each time we have our 'sisters weekend' we exchange gifts. Jill gave sister plaques, Julie gave each of us 3 jars of jam (oh, it's sooo yummy), Joyce gave each of us a votive candle, dishrag that she made + money. I made aprons for everyone. Julie's has a wine motif, Jill's has motorcycles, and Joyce's is black/cream with a pocket that matches the fabric of theplastic bag holder I made for her last Christmas. I think they all were very happy.
(I made one for slices!)
Mom and Aunt Bev sent gifts, too,
but I don't have good photos of them.
Thank you very much...the gifts are great!
I wanted to give Jill her Christmas/birthday gift so
that Julie and Joyce would have a chance to see it.
(yup, she's crying.)
We got our jammies on and were all set to watch a movie (he's just not that into you). Julie grabbed my 'practice' quilt, Jill grabbed a tan quilt that I usually have on the ottoman, and I had my star quilt that Brenis made for me last year. Joyce sat there in the's how it went. (Close, anyway.)
Joyce: don't I get a blanket?
me: oh. do you want one?
Joyce: well, yeah.
me: {sigh} I suppose I can get something. (walking toward the hallway) I think I have an old...
Joyce to sisters: I suppose I'll get an old army blanket or something...that'll itch.
I came down the hall with the black and white quilt (I know, you haven't seen it, patient!) and tossed it into her lap. She looked at it and asked if I had made it. Told her I did...she noticed the patch of purple on the back (her fave color) and we told her to look at the label. She did.
It read: "To Joyce, From Jacque. Heart, 2009."
She sobbed. Not kidding! See?
And, sobbed.
For 10 minutes!
She finally calmed down and looked it over.
I think she likes it.
And, here it is...the black and white quilt I made for her.
I bought the fabric last spring and made it
in 4 days a few weeks ago.
It's Joyce's birthday/Christmas gift.
See the text pieces? They are verses from Psalms.
Here's the back. See the purple?
She LOVES purple, so I had to put a piece in there for her.

I didn't want to have any quilting in the text blocks,
so I just quilted it in straight lines on both sides of each horizontal seam.

After all the excitement died down, we settled down to watch the movie.
The pups got comfy, too.
We stayed up late, chatting and laughing and having a good time.
The next day, Saturday, I made breakfast for everyone.
We showered, etc., and went shopping at Gordman's
(a discount department store that is Julie's all time fave store!).
Joyce and I talked about the doll quilts she wants me to make...
so we ended up at Stitcher's Crossing to look for some fabric.
Went in with Joyce saying she wanted purples and pinks.
Here's what we ended up with.
They are gonna be so dang cute! {grin}) 
Julie bought some fabric for a quilted kitty blanket. More on that later.
We ate lunch here...
(left to right: Joyce, Julie, Me, Jill)

Salute! To the 4 J's!
Of course, time for them to leave came all too soon.
I love them & miss them very much.