Today is the day we remember the birth of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout this past year, I have become much stronger in my belief...and in my walk with Jesus. Thank you to Brenis and Maureen for being my spiritual guides. And, you know, I love the place I'm in spiritually (though I have a LONG way to go). Last night, I looked outside and saw beautiful night shadows across the unbroken landscape of snow (full gorgeous! Sorry, no photo to show you.). Stopped me in my tracks...literally. I took the moment to truly appreciate the beauty of it...and to thank God for being the Master Painter of all I see.
I received a wonderful box of gifts from Brenis...I didn't take a photo of everything, but here is the most special gift of all...a large text New King James Version Holy is absolutely beautiful! A very SOFT leather...I want to hold it and caress it all of the time! She also gave me some Christian music cd's...I'm playing the Newsboys right now. I am so very blessed to have her as a friend!

Just so you know, my computer is having some serious hiccups from time to time. Not good when the online course I am teaching is just around the corner! But, it's working today, and I take that as a gift from God.
I am sooo excited! Here is a photo of the gifts from my Wool Snippets Not-So-Secret won't believe what was in my box!

Here's the list: small Christmas tree made of wool strips (how'd she do that?), tree stand, hooked tree skirt with sheepies on it, Nick & Nora pj's - red flannel with dog heads/milkbones on them, Nick & Nora slipper socks with puppy head, wooden sheepie pin, peppermint chapstick, snowman clothespin (it's on top of the tree), two dog toys (tennis ball fox and moose...these are sooooo dang adorable! I'm not sure I want to give them to the dogs...and they're made by Woolrich!), & 5 wool skirts to recycle...really great wool. I think that's all...EXCEPT for some Led Zeppelin bootlegs! HOLY CRAP! I was already feeling very blessed to have received so many special gifts from someone who knew me so well. And now these...WOW! I opened that package last and thought I was going to die of excitement and happiness!!!! How'd she know???? 3 cd's of LZ at Madison Square Garden in 1973, and 2 cd's from San Francisco in 1969! OH MY GOSH...I am thrilled!!!! Thank you, thank you so very much, Joanne!
I am making all of my gifts this year...cannot show them here as I still have some to give out. Am taking photos, though, so will show them once the holidays are over.
Tag E. Butt opened his gift from Aunt Julie this a.m....a warthog! He was soooo excited! He's had 2 warthogs (a bit larger and RED) that he has completely worn out in the last few years. They were beyond repair, so now he has a NEW one! (Allegra and Tango will receive their gifts when I get back from seeing Aunt Julie in Eau Claire this weekend!)
...what's in here?
...ah-ha! A new warthog! I LOVE it! Tag is taking a break from running around, playing with his new warthog. He's chewing on his bone, but keeping his new warthog close by his side!
Have a very Blessed Day!