Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sick of Snow and Just Plain Sick.

So.  We had snow this week...over a foot of it!  That is a lot of snow!!  State offices actually closed down on Wednesday...a first in forever, I think.  Didn't take any photos...sick of snow already. 

I took full advantage of being home and worked on projects on my christmas gift to-do list...made some good progress!  No photos until after they've been received.   

Then, sickness struck.  ugh.  Better today.

But, the biggest thing (to me, anyway) is that my computer is having problems and is very slow and it takes forever to load up anything.  I've not been on here, much.  I am in the process of getting it taken care of.

I'll be back soon.  


Thistlebrooms said...

Hey Jacque...
Don't worry, we'll wait for the picks of your projects!!!
I've heard on the News how much of that 'SNOW' you guys have gotten out there...Talk about being 'Snowed In', surely NOT for me either...

Wishing you luck with your computer, I went through that for a few months and it drove me nearly CRAZY...

Hope you'll be feeling better soon too...

My Best~Marilyn

dexmangoldens said...

Hope you are feeling better. It is snowing here again. Have fun working on the projects and hope your computer gets fixed.

Joanne said...

Feel better quick! Oh I don't blame you - I'd be sick of snow too - we had a dusting last weekend and I'm over it! LOL! Hope your 'puter feels better too!

moosecraft said...

I'm going to join you in the "snow haters club"!!! LOL! We haven't had any here yet.... but the anticipation of knowing it will snow here one day soon is freakin' me out already! LOL! In the meantime, let's just stay indoors and enjoy some stitching to warm our hearts! Smiles! ~Sharon

Anonymous said...

Hi there, sorry to hear you are sick, hope you are on the mend. I am not tired of snow yet but we have not had that much yet either. Hope you get the computer fixed too. Thanks for your voice message yesterday! Joyce

JoJo said...

Jacque, I'm so sorry to read you've been sick. I'm scared of getting hit by someone's germ cloud and my hands are so chapped from all of the washing and hand sanitizer. I hope you'll be back to your happy self quickly.

Send me your snow! Please? We got about 5 inches last Tuesday but now, there's just enough on the ground to cover the grass. A good amount has melted. We didn't get much snow last year and this year, I'm so much happier and ready for winter so I'm excited about snow and the possibility of a white Christmas. A new grandbaby helps my mood a lot also. And we got a new kitten. Jackson is a 14 week old Siamese that was found in a parking lot at 2 weeks of age. New life in and around our household has really made me so happy.

I always wish you only good things so I hope you're feeling better quickly. And blow your snow my way. I'd love it. And I know it's early but hey, Merry Christmas to you, my friend.