When I go through my bedtime routine (turning out lights, turning down the thermostat, taking my pills, etc.,etc.), the 3 dogs are right on my heels. This night, though, Tag wasn't there with Tango & Allegra. I was only tripping over 2 dogs, not 3. hmmmm. I couldn't find Tag...called his name...neither saw nor heard a thing. So, I went back through the house, turning on lights in every room. I was SURE that I hadn't left him outside in the cold! But, still...I had no clue where he was!!!
Well, I found him...it was kind of a "I seeeeeee you" moment...

~sigh~ Such is life with the Tag-boy!
6 random things about myself...
1. I LOVE Lay's dill pickle potato chips. Had them for the very first time about 2 years ago. Just thinkin' about them now makes my mouth water.
2. I have 5 holes in my two ears. 3 in the left one and 2 in the right one. I wear the same earrings all the time...never take them out (well, except to clean them). I have small gold hoops in the first hole, a really expensive pair of cubic zirconia in the second hole...and in the 3rd hole on the left ear, I have a baby diamond earring...not a baby diamond, but a diamond earring for a baby...the kind that the back screws on. Not tempted to get any more holes in my ears...or anywhere else, for that matter.
3. Having been a huge rock music fan my entire life, I now almost never listen to it. Instead, I have found Christian music - notably Newsboys, MercyMe, Casting Crowns, Michael W. Smith - more appealing these days. Not that I never listen to classic rock, but really...not so much anymore.
4. Being one of 4 girls in my family, I always wanted a brother. Really wanted a twin brother.
5. I love Pepsi. Not diet Pepsi, not Coke...just plain ole Pepsi! Always have and always will. I drink more of it than I should. Once in awhile, I will drink Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi, but when I have a regular Pepsi, I am soooo happy!!!
6. After getting my Veterinary Technician associate degree, I seriously considered going on to get a degree in Radiology. I was so intrigued by it! Always got excellent results when I took radiographs of the animals in school and at the clinic I worked at.
Okay, that's it for my 6 random things about myself. I'm not going to TAG anyone, but if you would like to play along, please feel free to do so.
Have a great weekend!!!