For those of you who know me, you'll know that I think my job is fairly boring. Well, if I were to be completely honest, I would have to say that it is
mind-numbing. Anyone could do what I do...though, perhaps, not as well - or as accurately...that attention to detail thing I have goin' on.
For those of you who don't know...I am a certified veterinary technician but not working as one - except when I teach my online course of Veterinary Medical Terminology for the tech school's Veterinary Technician program. Because of an injury to my knee 5 years ago, I am no longer able to work in the Critical Care Unit at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (hereafter referred to as the VMTH). Being that it is the University of Wisconsin...ya know...the state...once my injury healed - 7 months off work...woohoo!!!! - they had to find me another job. Hence, the job I now have in the Medical Records department. My main focus is putting together charts for the next day appointments. I do a myriad of other duties, some more mind-numbing...some less.
So, here is what I actually wanted to write. For a portion of each semester, the 3rd year veterinary students of the VMTH perform ovariohysterectomy (spay) surgeries on shelter cats and dogs. The shelters send a specific amount of dogs/cats once a week. When they come in, the information on each one (species, breed, age, color, name) is given to me so that I am able to make up a medical record. Since the surgeries are scheduled at a specific time on a specific day...and the shelters aren't always organized, I sometimes have very little time to put together 7 - 12 charts. But, since I am very organized, it doesn't take me long at all.
Got all that? Bill, the veterinarian in charge of Junior Surgery, has always been very appreciative of my efforts to get the charts done right away so that his students are able to keep to their schedule. He thanks me for everything...which always makes me feel good.
Okay, I am FINALLY getting to my point!!! One day this past week, I was busy working (what else?) and Bill stopped by. He said to me, "I was thinking...I always thank you when I bring you stuff or pick up the charts...but, I was walking down the hall and it occurred to me that I never just stop by to say thank you. So, thank you!"
ohman, I just wanted to cry!!! How nice was that??? There was a small smile on my face and a warm glow within for the rest of my day. WOW...what a difference it makes when we know we are appreciated, hey? I will remember that moment for a very long time.
And, in the future, I will be more aware of showing my appreciation to others.
Here's the aforementioned 'other stuff'...
One of my coworkers gave me a knitted stocking cap. Seems she made it for her husband, but when he yanked it on over his head, she felt he was being too rough with her gift. (yes, I grinned at that, too!) She wanted to give it to someone else...and because it matches one of my winter jackets...I got it!!! It's really nice and I will enjoy wearing it this winter. Only thing, there was an opening at the top cuz she didn't pull the yarn tightly enough. She brought me the yarn so that I could make a pom-pom to cover up the hole. it is! (and...just so ya know, it's not square...I put it over a small box to set it up for the photo.)
I am sure me Mum could have made a perfect pom-pom, but I'm happy with it. Thank you so much, Heidi!!!
Got a recipe from Kimmer, but then did it my way...will still call it goulash. Put it in the crockpot a few hours ago...ohhhhhh, it smells soooo good! I'll let you know how it tastes...and share the recipe if you so desire. Going to let it sit longer...
( Click on the above photo to see what goulash actually is.)
And, here's the eagle rug all finished...edges bound and steamed...

The rest of this weekend will be spent on sewing more Christmas gifts. I wish I could show you all what I am working on...but then no one would be surprised! I'll try to remember to take photos as I get them done...and will show them after they are received.
Have a great weekend!