Thursday, August 7, 2008

A New Background!

No, I am not reinventing myself...though now, there's a thought! I could be Irish instead of American...I could have long curly hair, instead of short gray hair...I could be an international movie star...well, okay...enough of that! ha!, if you're reading this, you may have noticed that my BLOG has a new background! Shame on you if you didn't notice it! I was checking out some of my favorite blogs and saw a post that led to this... The Cutest Blog on the Block!! I clicked on the link and got this FREE background! YAY! There are all kinds of cute backgrounds and they are FREE!! Easy to use, too! The directions are all right there on the blog, so go and check them out!!!

I thought the music one was appropriate, as I am such a rocker! (No, I'm not referring to a rocking chair, but to rock music! Aren't you the funny one!) Some of them are too cute, if ya know what I mean, but there are lots and lots of them! Try one out!


Brenis said...

You are so funny!! Even if you are such the total dork!! LOLOL
Love your new background!! :D

WoolenSails said...

I love your new background. I hate mine and was wondering how to do it, going to check it out. Thanks for the link.
