Sunday, November 4, 2007

Fall Back...

Daylight Saving Time...for some reason, I can never keep it straight whether we are to spring back/fall ahead (yes, I know, that doesn't quite make sense) OR spring ahead/fall back. I always need to look it up...thank goodness for the internet! Well, I did get extra sleep, so that was nice.

One reason I am happy for DST is because now it will be light out on my morning drive to work...better to see the deer that way! Ohyeah, one of the exciting features of my long drive in to work is the fact that 15 of the miles I drive are signed as deer crossing corridors.

YIKES! Luckily, I've not hit one. Every morning, I pray to God to protect the deer from me...and me from the deer. One morning, I narrowly missed a doe and she had the audacity to look at me as if I'm the one who shouldn't have been there (well, maybe she had a point). Another morning, a doe ran across the road close enough for me to worry, but far enough away that as long as she kept moving, we would both be okay. With the sky lighter now - at least for the time being - driving to work will be a bit more relaxing for me.

Here's my front yard this morning...

As you can see, I have a LOT of leaves still on the trees. Luckily, we mow/mulch and NOT rake! Was a bit worried about that!

Must continue working on my list for today, so that's all for now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a lot of leaves still to come! Ours are all gone with the wind, I don't even think my neighbor had to rake. Watch out for the dear! Joyce