Not direction like north, east, west or south, but
direction meaning line of planned action.
Here's what I mean...
sometimes I have an idea
firmly fixed in my head.
But, then it's time to begin and
that's when I begin to rethink...
and go in a different direction.
Here's an example...
I've been picturing this small quilt with
the fabrics I showed yesterday.
(shown again right here for your convenience)
I was excited to begin working on it.
But, when it came time to start cutting
into the fabric, I changed direction
and decided to use different fabrics.
I'm using the Whitewash fabric collection
(received from Sharon...thank you!!).
I am very happy with how they are turning out.
These blocks measure 5.5 inches...
aren't they cute?
Another example.
I started following Cheri's quiltalong
but this is what I came up with, instead.
I am very pleased with how it turned out,
in spite of the fact that I changed direction
and went my own way.
Do you do that?
Is it a good thing?
Or not?
I like to think it's my creativity.
Well, really...what else could it be?
I know some of you are wondering,
so here are the details on the small quilt...
I used Luna Notte fabrics
and Kona solid in Bone.
It measures about 11.5 x 20.5 inches.
I quilted in the ditch in the center portion,
then quilted with rows of straight stitching
around the outside border.
Here's a view of the back
where you can see the quilting.

Today's agenda:
Watching this movie
while eating pizza.
Sewing more churn dash blocks.
Finishing my hand-pieced quilt top.
A little story about Tag E. Butt.
He doesn't let much of anything
stop him from getting
what he wants.
Oh, don't get me wrong...
he is very obedient...
when I decide that he needs to be.
Some say he is spoiled.
I say he is special.
Anyway. The story.
Tag does not let a little thing like a
plastic container sitting smack dab
in the middle of my big easy chair
deter him from laying there.
He is a smart dog and knows
that this is, of course,
the most comfortable place to lay.
And, he knows that he can make this work.
So, he got up behind the container,
pushed the towel out of his way
to make his bed and laid down.
By the way,
the towel is there because there is a
hole in the fabric of the seat cushion
and I have yet to mend it.
Putting the towel over it prevents further tearing.
In theory.
When the brown boy moves the towel
and situates himself,
he is also bothering with the tear.
But, gosh...doesn't he look comfy?
Just so you know,
as soon as I walk away from this computer,
I will make him move out of my chair.
My wish to sit there overrides his cuteness.
Hope you're having a good day!
It's back to work tomorrow.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11