February is a fun month for family birthdays. In addition to mine, we also celebrated sister Jill's, and niece (and my god-daughter) Michelle's birthdays last Sunday. We had a family gathering...there are 6 of us here, now...ate some good food (grilled hamburgers and bratwursts...yum!) and opened lots of gifts. I made Michelle a lap quilt. She loves blue. So, I used the blues that I had received from Brenis, who had received them from a woman's aunt (or something like that). Old fabric. Ohmygosh...once quilted and laundered...it is the softest quilt ever. EVER!
I made two linen bread bags and a linen face cloth for Jill. I did not get photos of them. And, I made this for myself...an artisan apron. I used a mixed natural colored linen with a Kona cotton solid in Snow for the lining. I plan to wear it mostly when I am working in my sewing room...hoping that it will help keep stray threads from attaching to my clothes. The pattern is by Janet Clare. Yes, the same Janet Clare of the fabric collection mentioned in my previous post.
I will be embellishing it with embroidery and other stuff as time goes by.
Lots of other sewing and other projects being worked on. As always. Have a great weekend!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". Jeremiah 29:11
Yesterday was my birthday...which means I am now on Medicare. How is that possible? I for sure do not feel any older than, say...50. Yeah, that's it. 50. ~grin~ I honestly do not know where the time goes. Seems like only yesterday... Anyway. It was a good day and I received many greetings and birthday wishes via phone, mail and on social medias. Thank you, everyone! And, I received a few fun packages in the mail...not necessarily birthday gifts...but who doesn't love getting boxes in the mail?
Cathy - who you all must know by now - sent another box full of fabric...and yards and yards of mini Pom-poms (they're sort of hiding in the photo, but believe me...there are a ton of them)! Plus, this time, I also received several purse and quilt patterns. She is so generous and I truly appreciate her!
I haven't been sewing too much, lately. Mostly getting things started and then not having the time/energy to finish. I had a really bad cold (and I don't normally get colds!) for an entire week...knocked me for a loop, for sure (oh-oh, there's a sign of aging!!). I am looking forward to things settling down in the next few weeks. I did make time to whip out some Kleenex cozies. Yup, seems sister Joyce was down to her last one! Heaven forbid. She doesn't want to run into someone new and not have a Kleenex cozy to give! I sent 22 of them...
You may remember hearing (reading) about Lindy, who is my almost birthday twin. Her birthday is the day before mine and she was born a few years after. We met on the Wool Snippets (rug hooking) message board several years ago. This birthday, Lindy sent a gift card from Missouri Star Quilt Company. I love doing business with them, don't you? I ordered a jelly roll of Aubade: a song to the dawn by Moda for Janet Clare. I am normally not very much in love with blue, but this collection sings to me! (oh...sings...song to the dawn...haha)
Thank you so much, Lindy! I sent her a Kleenex cozy and a grocery bag...I think it's the prettiest one I've made thus far (and I have enough fabric to make one for myself!! If, ever.)
I have several projects going on...cat/dog quilt pads for the animal shelter, baby quilts to be donated, blocks of the week quilt. Just to name a few...and then there are a few finishes that I am not yet able to show. See ya soon!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.". Jeremiah 29:11